Doctors of Divine Will

Volume 18 – December 20, 1925 (excerpt)

“…And I, in coming upon earth, was to act as God; I was to complete the work of man in everything; I was to raise him to the first point of his origin, by giving him the possession of my Will.  And even though many make use of my coming as remedy for their salvation, and therefore take my Will as medicine, as strength and as antidote in order not to go to hell, I will wait still, that souls may arise who take It as life; and by making It known, they may take possession of It.  In this way, I will complete the work of my coming upon earth, and the divine graft formed anew with the creature, will have fruit.  Then will my tears turn into celestial and divine smiles, for Me and for them.”

Divine Will Testimonies


My friends, aren’t you tired of being anxious? All these years of useless anxieties are now affecting your health, your relationship with others and your work. I know you have tried everything so far to get over these anxieties, from psychotherapy, anti anxiety pills, yoga, aromatherapy, hypnotism to toxin elimination. I am afraid that you will end up being frozen in time with the emerging fear from this corona-virus pandemic. This explains why you have been frequently sick lately because your immune system has been drained by your negative emotions. I know you pray hard and people are praying for you and God has answered your prayers. Yes, God has offered you the gift of living in the Divine Will.
You see, the only thing that God does not own is our human will. He created us with a free will. It was Adam’s free will that allowed him to disobey God and sin was stamped in our DNA since then. It is our sin that makes us sick and disordered because sin offends our loving God. When we sin, we go against what God has commanded and sin has consequences that leads to hell and while on earth, we and our children’s children will be paying the price of our sins. Do you follow the logic of God?
God wants you to live a peaceful and joyful life. He wants you to enjoy living in the Divine Will because this is His purpose in creating you: to enjoy Creation and to love Your Creator. You can do this only by surrendering your human will to Him in exchange of possessing His Divine Will. Can you think of anything more exciting than this? That the Almighty Triune God will possess you. Now how do you know? Because for the first time in your life, your fear will be healed with peace. You will never want to go back to a life full of anxieties. Living in the Divine Will is truly an antidote and medicine for our disordered body and soul.

Dr. Amy, PA
