Good Morning Good Evening to Jesus in The Most Blessed Sacrament




(From the beginning of Luisa’s 11th volume)

O my Jesus, sweet Prisoner of Love, here I am before You. Having said goodbye to You [last night], I am now here to say to You good morning. With eager longing I waited to see You again in [the Tabernacle], your prison of love, to offer You my loving respects, my affectionate heartbeats, my ardent sighs and indeed my entire being. I come to forever and completely abandon myself to You, to pledge You my love and be completely transformed into You.

O my most gentle Sacramental Love, do you know that in coming to give myself completely to You I also wish to receive You completely? You are my life; I cannot live without You. So, I implore You to bestow on me your [Real] Life.

All is given to the one who gives all, isn’t this true, O Jesus? So today I will love [You] with your heartbeat [that beats like] am impassioned lover; I will breathe with your panting breath in search of souls; I will desire with your infinite desires your own glory and the salvation of souls.

May all human heartbeats flow in your divine heartbeat. Let us embrace all souls and lead them to salvation and, no matter the sacrifice I may be asked to endure, may no soul escape us. If You refuse me, O Jesus, I will immerse myself [in you being] all the more; I will cry out to You and implore, along with You, the salvation of your children and my brethren.

O my Jesus, my life and my all, how much it tells me to see You freely imprison yourself in the Tabernacle. The emblem with which I see you completely adorned is that of souls; the chains that bind your entire Person so tightly are love. It seems as if the words, “Let us save souls with your love[1] make you smile, move you and compel you to give into all [that I ask of You]. And I, pondering well these excesses of your love, remain always here with You to surround You with my usual refrain: “Let us save souls with your love.”

Therefore, today I desire You entire being to continuously accompany me in my prayers, labors, joys and sorrows, and when I eat, walk and sleep – in a word, in everything. Although I am incapable of obtaining anything on my own, I am confident that I will obtain everything with You. May everything, we do comfort You in your suffering, sweeten your bitter sorrows, make reparation for every offense You receive, requite You in every way and obtain everyone’s conversion, no matter how difficult it may be. Let us go around to every heart begging for a little love to increase your happiness and joy. Does this not please you, O Jesus?

O dear Prisoner of Love, bind me with your chains and, seal me with your love. Oh, I entreat you, show me your beautiful face… O Jesus, how beautiful you are! Your blond hair binds and sanctifies all of my thoughts; your peaceful and clam brow, amidst so many offenses, infuses in me peace and the most perfect calm in the face of the greatest trials and of your own absence that You yourself are quite fond of producing and which costs me my life… Oh, You know quite well what I mean Jesus, as it is my heart that speaks to You more eloquently than I my own words. And so I continue…

O love, your beautiful cerulean eyes, shining with divine light, rapt me up to heaven where I no longer look back to earth. But alas, to my greatest sorrow I realize that my exile on earth still continues! Come quickly O Jesus and take me with You! Yes, you are beauty itself, O Jesus. I see you in your Tabernacle of love… The beauty and majesty of your face enthralls me and reveals heaven to me; your gracious mouth lightly touches me with impassioned kisses at every moment; your gentle voice beckons me, inviting me to love You in every instant; your knees sustain me; your arms hold me with an indissoluble bond, and I impress my impassioned kisses, thousands upon thousands, upon your adorable face.

Jesus, may our will be one, our love be one and our joy be one. Do not abandon me, as I am a nothing, and as nothing I cannot be without You who are my all. Will you promise me this, O Jesus? You seem to say, yes. May I have your blessing: Bless my entire being and, in the company of our sweet mother, of the angels and saints and of all souls, I say, “Good morning, O Jesus, good morning.”





(From the beginning of Luisa’s 11th volume)

O my Jesus, Heavenly Prisoner, the sun is now setting, the darkness covers the earth, and You remain alone in your Tabernacle of love. I believe I see You with an air of sadness on account of the loneliness of the night; of not having with you the crown of your children and tender spouses who may at least keep You company in the Tabernacle in which You freely imprison yourself.

O my Divine Prisoner, I too feel my heart ache for having to leave You, whence I am compelled to say goodbye to You. But, what am I saying? O Jesus, never again will I say goodbye; I haven’t the courage to leave You alone. I may say goodbye with my lips, but not with my heart. Rather, I leave my heart with You in the Tabernacle. I will count your heartbeats and requite them with my heartbeats of love. I will number your belabored sighs and, to cheer you up, I will have You rest in my arms. I will be your vigilant sentry. I will be attentive to [shelter You from] anything that may trouble or sadden You – not only to keep You from ever being alone, but to share in all your sorrows.

O Heart of my heart! O Love of my love! Dispel this air of sadness and receive [my] comfort. I cannot bear to see You afflicted. While with my lips I say goodbye, I leave with You my breath, my affections, my thoughts, my desires and every motion I make so that they may form a chain of continuous acts of love which, uniting to yours, surround you like a crown and love you on behalf of all souls. Are you not satisfied, O Jesus? It seems as if you say, yes, is this not so? Goodbye, O Loving Prisoner, though I wish to say more.

So before I depart, I wish to leave my body before You; I wish to offer You, in many little acts of adoration, [the acts I perform in] my body,[2] multiplied and transformed into as many [sanctuary] lamps as there are Tabernacles on earth. And wish to multiply [the acts I perform united with] my blood, and transform them in many little flames to light these [sanctuary] lamps. In every Tabernacle I wish to place my [own sanctuary] lamp which, uniting with the lamp of your Tabernacle, may burn bright before You all night and say: “I love You, I adore you, I bless You, I offer you reparation and I thank You on my own behalf and on behalf of all souls.”

Goodbye, O Jesus, although I have but one more but thing to say. Let us make a pact: Let us love each other more, [but for me to love You more] You must give me more love by enclosing and immersing me in your love, and by making me live in your love. Let us strengthen our bonds of love even more. I will be satisfied only if You give me your love to be able to really love You.

Goodbye, O Jesus. Bless me, and [through me] bless everyone. Press me to your Heart and imprison me in your love. I now depart, placing a kiss upon your Heart. Goodbye, o Jesus.


[1] The original Italian texts states, “…anime ed amore…”

[2] The original Italian text states, “… intendo delle mie carni e delle mie ossa fare tanti minutissimi pezzi per formare tante lampade…”

(Taken from Reverend Joseph Leo Iannuzzi’s Divine Will Prayer Book)